Climbing in Sorrueda: Best Climbable Weather in the World. From easy to medium high (IV-7c)

Easy route for warming up or beginners

Testimonial of Hana Henz while rock climbing in Gran Canaria

As a climber who’s traveled the globe, I’ve scaled rocks in some of the world’s most iconic locations: the Alps, Yosemite, and Fontainebleau, to name a few. But nothing, I repeat, nothing compares to the experience of climbing in Sorrueda, located in Santa Lucía de Tirajana, Gran Canaria. Whether it’s the perfect “climbable weather” or the rugged beauty of the volcanic rock, Sorrueda offers a climbing paradise. Let me tell you why this might just be the best-kept secret in the Canary Islands.

Rock Climbing in Placa del Godo route in Sorrueda Crag
Climbing La Placa del Godo 6a+

What route to climb in Sorrueda?

I could see dozens of good routes and the locals spoke a lot about Haitukatana, a nice easy 6a route in the middle of La Fuente crag.

I could try some others like Placa del Godo which is like a giant slide with some small holes and crimps, you need to be precise with your movements and get a bit technical but still in the easy level so its good for all to try this 25 meter route.

My guide did the 7c variant of «Atravesaa» which was way to far from my limits but a great show to admire.

Why Climbing in Sorrueda is Special

Sorrueda is a hidden gem. Tucked away in the southern part of Gran Canaria, in the heart of Santa Lucía, this area is surrounded by an unspoiled natural environment. Picture this: rocky cliffs framed by palm groves, ancient olive trees, and endless sunny skies. The landscape is serene, and it’s easy to lose yourself in the moment as you climb.

If you’ve scaled routes across Europe or North America, you know how important the weather is. That’s where Sorrueda truly shines. Gran Canaria offers the best climbing weather, with warm temperatures year-round, mild winters, and cool summers. Imagine climbing in January with sunshine on your back and no need for a heavy jacket. That’s the beauty of the Canary Islands!

A Hidden Oasis: Santa Lucía de Tirajana

Climbing in Sorrueda means immersing yourself in the local charm of Santa Lucía de Tirajana, a picturesque town. Santa Lucía is more than just a stop on your way to the crags; it’s a cultural gem where you can unwind after a day on the rock. Known for its rich agricultural history, you’ll find fields of olives, almonds, and the world’s best aloe vera products. And don’t miss out on its historical center or the Santa Lucía Church, landmarks that blend tradition with the surrounding volcanic landscape.

I loved walking through its streets, absorbing the slower pace of life, and stopping by local cafes for a strong Canary coffee or tasting their famous olive oil. Plus, the Barranco de Tirajana offers additional trekking routes and even a chance to spot endangered wildlife.

The Ultimate Climbing Experience with Climb In Canarias

Let me be frank: I’ve climbed with some of the most respected guides in the world. However, none compare to the personalized experience offered by Climb In Canarias. These aren’t just guides who throw a rope and expect you to follow. The team is made up of local climbers, mine was Marcos, who know every rock face, every route, and every challenge Sorrueda has to offer. They take the time to get to know you, tailoring your climbing experience to your skill level, goals, and, most importantly, making sure you have an unforgettable adventure.

Whether you’re a beginner or an experienced climber, Climb In Canarias ensures you’re always safe, learning, and, above all, having fun. They make sure you’re challenged but never overwhelmed, pushing your limits just enough for you to improve but still feel accomplished.

What Makes the Rock in Sorrueda Unique?

I’ve climbed on all types of rock, but there’s something about the volcanic stone in Gran Canaria that’s special. It offers incredible grip, making it feel secure under your fingers and feet, even on the steepest routes. The texture of the rock, combined with its warm temperature, creates ideal climbing conditions. I found the variety of routes refreshing too. Whether you’re into bouldering, sport climbing, or traditional climbing, Sorrueda has it all, with a mix of technical routes and routes with large, welcoming holds.

You won’t find the slippery, polished holds that are common in overclimbed destinations like Fontainebleau. Instead, these rocks feel untouched, natural, and perfectly climbable year-round.

Easy route for warming up or beginners
Warming up on top rope

Climbing in Sorrueda vs. Other Destinations

Why choose Sorrueda over other famous climbing spots? For starters, no crowds. In other well-known destinations, you often face long waits to climb popular routes. In Sorrueda, it’s just you, the rock, and maybe a couple of other climbers. That solitude, combined with the fantastic weather, makes it feel like the best-kept secret in Europe.

Additionally, the climate is unbeatable. Many climbing destinations are restricted by the weather — too hot in the summer or too cold in the winter. In Sorrueda, however, the temperatures stay moderate year-round, earning its place as one of the top climbing spots in the Canary Islands.

Another key factor is the ease of access. From Maspalomas it’s just a 25-minute drive to the crags of Sorrueda. Unlike remote mountain ranges that require hours of travel, Sorrueda’s crags are both accessible and secluded.

Relax and Recharge in Santa Lucía

After a long day of climbing, there’s nothing better than kicking back and enjoying the local hospitality. In Santa Lucía, you can find everything from rustic cafes to more upscale restaurants. I highly recommend sampling the local goat cheese and honey, traditional staples of Canary cuisine.

And if you’re in the mood for something more active, the Barranco de Tirajana offers spectacular hiking trails, which are perfect for a rest day when you want to stay in nature but give your arms a break from climbing.

Conclusion: Your Next Climbing Destination

Whether you’re an experienced climber looking for a new challenge or someone just starting out, Sorrueda is a destination you won’t want to miss. The combination of perfect climbing weather, diverse routes, and the warm, welcoming locals make it the ideal spot for your next climbing adventure. And with the help of Climb In Canarias, you’re guaranteed a safe, personalized experience that will make you fall in love with climbing all over again.

So pack your gear, book your flight, and get ready to discover one of the best climbing locations not just in the Canary Islands, but the world. See you on the rock!

Climbing in sector Salon in Sorrueda
Second in Salon Crag

Where to find info for climbing in Sorrueda?

The best guidebook for climbing in Gran Canaria is sold here bur you also find topos for climbing in Sorrueda on this site.